2023100628 9 Duke St, Dunedin North, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9016

$598.75 inc. GST



Anna Thomas from Ray white listed 9 Duke St, Dunedin North, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9016, and we have an inspection, right here, right now for our discount rate.
This includes our unique 360 degree video – its like being taken on an expert tour, where you get to look in any direction – great for understanding a builders perspective, even better if you can’t get through the house in person.
On the terms of inspection, this includes:Non invasive visual report, Interior, Roof – Video only, Ceiling space, Internal garage, Exterior, LIM Reviewed .

Once you click buy, a window immediately pops up with a link, and an email is sent to the email address you entered (that can take a couple of minutes, and sometimes they go to spam) From there you can access the written report, which has links to the video. I always suggest you watch the video first – a picture is worth a thousand words.I try and make sure everything I would want to know is covered, but if you need more help or info, there is a real live human (Me, Jonno!) available on the phone.
